Happy July Everyone! I hope you're all headed out to some cookouts and fireworks and fun this weekend. I myself plan on heading to a barbecue this afternoon, so I made one of my favorite cookies to bring along. These are definite crowd pleasers. And they're easy. I'd highly recommend giving them a shot.

3/4 cup brown sugar
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1 cup butter
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tso salt
2 1/4 cups flour
1 bag white chocolate chips
1 cup unsalted macadamia nuts
First off, cream together the butter and sugar. Add in the vanilla and egg and scrape down the sides of the bowl.

Next, add in all your dry ingredients (except the nuts and chocolate) and mix until the dough comes together.
I usually mash up my macadamia nuts a little bit, so they're not all whole and enormous in the cookies. Because the nuts are so big, they tend to make the cookies fall a part a little bit. smaller pieces help the dough stay together.

I used my ice cream scoop as a masher. It worked out quite well :)


Add in all your goodies, and mix.

Definitely try a bit of this dough raw. Or more than a bit. I myself had to go for a 45 minute run after making these to clear my conscience of all the raw cookie dough I'd just eaten.

Roll the cookies into tablespoon sized balls. Take care to get some chocolate and some nut into each.

Bake at 375 for about 9 minutes.

When the tops are this lovely golden brown, they're ready! These cookies will be very fragile right out of the oven, give them a minute or two to cool before you move them :)

And viola! I'm not kidding when I say these are crowd pleasers. They are without a doubt my most requested cookie. They're also addicting. Bet ya can't eat just one ;)
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